Grant Applications
50+ energy-related grant applications completed
in value >$500M to aid in the Energy Transition.
Partnering with Federal Agencies in the Energy Transition
We have collaborated on developing energy-focused applications in partnership with the following sponsoring agencies:
Energy, Utilities, & Energy Transition
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Department of Transportation
Economic Development Administration
Inflation Recovery Acts (IRA) Grants
Bipartisan Infrastructure Acts (BIA) Grants
Other Agencies
CHIPS Act Grants
Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD Grants)
State, Local, Corporate and Foundation Grants
Grant Application Services
Grant Research and Prospecting
Using optimized search engines, we research and find federal, state and local funding opportunities by
Donor Agency
Topic, technology, process or methodology
Eligibility, funding available, and matching fund requirements
Solution Direct Concept Papers and Grant Strategy
Many donors require the submission of a concept paper to concisely summarize a project’s feasibility and value before being invited to apply for a grant formally
The purpose of the concept paper is to persuade the donor to invite you to apply formally
To that end, the paper must be concise, compelling, and convincing, telling the project's story, including:
A description of the problem your project focuses on placed in the context of the agency's policy goals and objectives
A technical explanation of your solution (technology, methodology, process, product), why it will work, and how it will make an impactful difference
Project budget, decision points, milestones, and benchmarking
Roles & responsibilities of project sponsors and contractors
Compliance with federal domestic content, workforce and apprenticeship, and environment and economic justice goals
Grant strategy involves developing a storyline that articulates key synergies between a problem targeted by a donor agency and your solution within agency goals, rules, and the greater subject area ecosystem (SAE)
Project Description or Technical Volume
Titled differently by agencies, this is the lynchpin of the formal application
The Project Description expands the concept to up to 25 or more pages written in detailed, technical, or scientific "jargon" familiar to the donor agency and industry
It details a project's goals, history, merits, justification, targeted technology, service, product, detailed budget, and how it will solve problems, citing supportive research and experience
Community Benefits and Support, Workforce, and Environmental Justice
Winning federal grants now requires applicants to demonstrate how their projects will provide societal benefits, particularly for communities impacted by energy infrastructure development
Using the proprietary Eco-Scan tool and a wealth of experience, we narrate and visually present data to address these grant volumes, which have become as important as the technical volume in determining who wins federal grants
Budget, Schedule, and Reporting
Our team knows the rules and requirements governing grantmaking and completes the necessary documentation points, including budgets, the work program, schedule and major milestones, decision points, reporting and compliance, and other required elements.
Case Study: Electric Utility Infrastructure Upgrade
Agency: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Grant: GRIP
Overview: $180 million U.S. DOE grant to rebuild storm-damaged electric utility infrastructure for a public utility
Hurricanes and inadequate investment devastated the transmission grid of this electric utility serving 3.2 million customers.
We led a team of utility engineers and planners in drafting a highly technical 55-page application for a U.S. DOE GRIP grant.
The application requested funds to rebuild almost the entirety of a 110 mile underground critical transmission grid infrastructure.
Award decisions are expected in September 2023.
Case Study: Electric truck manufacturing startup
Agency: Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Grant: TBD
Overview: $3 million to install advanced technology manufacturing for an electric truck startup
Rich with expertise, the Michigan start-up needed capital to buy equipment to tackle its first big order.
We wrote the state economic development corporation grant application.
We helped our client navigate the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s economic development finance program and successfully position itself for a win.
Case Study: Electrification of Low-Income Housing
Agency: U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Grant: TBD
Overview: $1.5 million to install community solar and heat pumps to decarbonize and electrify affordable housing
We wrote this federal grant application to electrify an 80-unit low-income housing complex.
This was a pilot program. As part of the work, we demonstrated expected cost savings and reduced emissions from the electrification for the low-income multifamily housing property.